Scottish Rural Parliament 2016

Thursday 6 October 2016 - 08:30 to Saturday 8 October 2016 - 17:00
Brechin Community Campus, Duke Street, Brechin, Angus, Scotland, DD9 6LB.
Scottish Rural Action
The Scottish Rural Parliament brings together 400 people from across rural Scotland to discuss the issues of greatest importance to rural communities.
Participants will be agreeing a Manifesto for rural Scotland and deciding what actions need to be taken and by who, to ensure our rural communities are empowered, connected and sustainable.
The Rural Parliament is a participative event. Anyone who lives or works in a rural area can attend the Rural Parliament and anyone attending can decide what will be discussed.
Draft Programme
- Morning – Visits to local projects
- Afternoon – Opening ceremony and workshops
- Evening – Exhibition, fringe workshops, dinner and entertainment
- Morning – Workshops & Open Space session
- Afternoon – Agreeing a Manifesto for rural Scotland
- Evening – Dinner and dancing
Open to the public as well as participants of the Rural Parliament
- Morning – Discussion panel
- Late morning & afternoon – Visits to local projects, fringe events, demonstrations and exhibition
Visit the Scottish Rural Parliament website for more information.
Free for most - donations recommended; £350 for public sector; £450 for private sector