Scottish Rural Parliament want to hear your views

The Scottish Rural Parliament want to hear what issues matter to you the most as they build their Manifesto for Rural Scotland.
Their Manifesto will be a statement of the collective ambitions and the actions that are needed to ensure these ambitions are realised for rural communities.
Take part in their online consultation survey and share your views.
If you would prefer to respond in writing, you can download their template or email for a hard copy.
There is also a series of events taking place across the country. Check out the events section on the Scottish Rural Parliament website for more details - and further events are being added regularly too.
The Scottish Rural Parliament can also support you if you want to hold your own event. This could be as simple as getting a group of people together for a cup of tea, or the Scottish Rural Parliament could come along to your local village hall. You can also run a simplified version of the event yourself, and they can help with the cost of the event.
The first Scottish Rural Parliament took place in Oban in 2014, with over 400 people from across the country taking part. The next Rural Parliament will take place in October 2016 in Brechin, Angus.
Visit the Scottish Rural Parliament website for more information.