
Campsie High Kirk, which is at the heart of Lennoxtown’s community, is to be transformed into a community arts hub after the Friends of Campsie High Kirk successfully applied to acquire the building from the King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer (KLTR) for the nominal sum of £1 plus the costs of transfer.

Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon has said “doing nothing is not an option” when it comes to securing the future of Scotland’s forests from the effects of climate change.

With recent examples of violent storms, increasing temperatures, droughts, wildfires and more tree pests and diseases, a new ‘routemap’  has been published by Scottish Forestry which will provide the direction needed for building resilient forests.  

Local authorities will directly receive £10 million to support new, or to enhance existing, approaches to restoring biodiversity through the Nature Restoration Fund (NRF).


Processing of Scottish Suckler Beef Support Scheme (SSBSS) 2024 payments has commenced. 

The first payments are expected to start reaching the bank accounts of farmers and crofters from Friday 28 March, in line with the 2024 Payments Strategy timetable.

Over £37 million in support has been issued to 5,834 claimants which represents over 95% of those eligible to receive the funding.

The year ahead is expected to be the charity’s busiest yet for providing services such as free counselling to farmers and others in the agricultural community who are struggling with their mental health.

Compost, compost teas and plant feeds

Join Taybank Growers Cooperative at this practical course on making high quality compost, compost teas and plant feeds.

Beginning with some theory around soil and the needs of plants we will be out in the field making compost, teas and feeds. The session will cover deep, nutritious and mulch composts, wood chip, root drenches, foliar feeds, harvesting and applying microbes. Suitable for new and experienced growers alike with a focus on application in the market garden.

Tea and coffee provided, please bring your own packed lunch.


Women in Agriculture Orkney – Soils & Seeds

This meeting will take place upstairs at William Shearer Seed Merchant. 

Are you unsure as to what seed mix might work best for your situation? In a pickle to understand the difference between diploid and tetraploid seed varieties?

What about which fields should be reseeded? And weeds? Wanting to know how to boost the clover content of your sward or maybe learn about forage crops which work well in a salt laden/exposed area?

Biodiversity Audits – Help with Habitat Mapping Webinar

As one option within the Whole Farm plan conditions for future subsidy, you can complete a Biodiversity Audit.

This involves creating a habitat map of your farm and is something that farmers, crofters and land managers can easily do themselves.

Planning for the Future - Roadshow - Spring 2025

Over the next six weeks, a series of events will take place around the country aimed at combining the serious business of advice and support to help farmers prepare for the future, with a chance to socialise over a bite to eat.

The events are being run by RSABI working in partnership with the Royal Countryside Fund and will feature legal, business planning, farm accounts, mediation and succession experts who will lead some lively discussions to help farming families plan for the future.
