
Phillip Revell, a board member with Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN) reflects on the opportunities that a community land-bank could present to community groups.
Hanna McCulloch, Local Child Poverty Action Reports National Co-ordinator, writes about a project led by the Improvement Service and the Scottish Rural Network looking at the challenges of child poverty in remote and rural areas.
Clare Cooper of Bioregioning Tayside looks at how community-led food growing can be strengthened and developed in Tayside.
The pace and scale of peatland restoration in Scotland is increasing massively year-on-year as Peatland ACTION works towards the Scottish Government’s target of 250,000 ha restored by 2030.
Engaging with ethnic minorities in a rural as compared to an urban context requires a very different approach, due to the significantly lower numbers of ethnic minority people. In this blog article, CoDeL reflect on recent work they undertook in this area as part of the Community Action in Uist and Glenkens project.
Population decline in Scotland’s sparsely populated and rural areas, as highlighted in the Herald’s special investigation last week, is a perennial challenge.
SRN have been working in partnership with CoDeL to identify community practices and learning opportunities that could help to inform policy development including measures to tackle poverty within rural and island communities. Here Thomas Fisher, Director of CoDeL, reflects on a knowledge exchange between Glenkens and Uist.
Jim Hume is Director of Public Affairs & Communications at Change Mental Health and leads work on the National Rural Mental Health Forum. In this week’s blog Jim reflects on the work of Change Mental Health, its recent rebranding and some up and coming events.
Last month (January 2024) 30 young people from all over rural and island Scotland where funded by the Scottish Rural Network to attend a parliamentary debate and meet the Scottish Cabinet as a direct result of a Scottish Rural and Island Youth Parliament outputs. Here Catriona Mallows, Campaigns and Communications Lead with Scottish Rural Action (SRA) reflects on the day.
The OECD has published a report focusing on Rural Innovation in Scotland - 'Enhancing Innovation in Rural Regions: Scotland (UK)'. Jane Craigie, rural communicator and marketer, founder of the Rural Youth Project is a member of OECD’s expert panel on enhancing rural innovation which developed the report. In this blog, Jane reflects on why innovation is an essential aspect of rural living and on the development of the report.
