Horticulture: a one-day course for crofters and other small producers

Horticulture: a one-day course for crofters and other small producers

Hand holding soil
Wednesday 11 May 2016 - 09:30 to 16:00

Glendale, Isle of Skye

Soil Association Scotland

A practical one-day event looking at soils, fertilisers and rotations for horticultural crops.

The day will include outdoor practical sessions including soil physical assessment, crop rotations for polytunnels, and placement of windbreaks and shelters.

Speakers include Audrey Litterick (Audrey Litterick Consulting) and Donald Murdie (Gatrigill), authors of Horticulture: A Handbook for Crofters.  

Booking is required for catering purposes.

Contact David on 0131 666 2474 or dmichie@soilassociation.org for more info.

Free to land managers; £40 + VAT to others.