Trees: a crop with multiple benefits - managing & planting for improved livestock & arable production

Thursday 26 May 2016 - 09:00
Aberfeldy, Perthshire
Soil Association Scotland
A practical day looking at the benefits of agroforestry:
- how to manage existing woodland for livestock
- planting for optimum arable production
- funding sources
- an introduction to the Woodland Trust.
Speakers include Stephen Briggs, Abacus Organics; Mike Strachan, Forestry Commission Scotland and Woodland Trust.
The event includes a visit to Bolfracks Estate where we will look at long established silvopastoral grazing systems.
Come along and find out from those practicing agroforestry, what the multiple benefits are. Free of charge to farmers and land managers & £40.00 plus VAT to others. Booking is required so lunch & packs can be provided. For further information please call Lyn 07899 791748 or email
Free of charge to farmers and land managers & £40 plus VAT to others