Highland Council

How to Plant Trees on Your Farm

A practical day event exploring the benefits of planting and managing trees on your land, including the chance to have a go at planting. Includes:

  • Visit to Tulluch Tea croft (225) to look at planting trees and hedges for better land management
  • Visit to Migdale Woods to find out how to get more out of the trees you have
  • Hands-on planting demonstration
  • Funding information from Forestry Commission Scotland and the Woodland Trust Scotland

Wester Ross - Business Leaflet Exchange Advertising Tourism (BLEAT)

This event is an opportunity for everyone to get the most up to date leaflets from activity providers, menus from cafes and restaurants all on one day in one place. Providing good information to visitors encourages them to stay in the area longer and improves their customer experiences leading to better reviews. It’s a Win Win.

This is a ‘Leaflet Exchange’, based on the Round about Gairloch event of previous years but a wider reach to encompass Wester Ross. Remember visitors to the area move in both directions south to north or vice versa.

Highlands & Islands Ecosystem for rural mental health and active healthy ageing

Healthy Ageing Challenge Overview: the £98 million ‘healthy ageing programme’ will drive the development of new products and services which will help people to live in their homes for longer, tackle loneliness and isolation, and increase independence, self-management and wellbeing.

Hear about the programme and how to get involved. Registration from 10.30.

Online access will be available for participants who are unable to join in person on the day.

Introduction to Beekeeping

This beginner’s one day course is designed to provide an introduction to the world of honeybees & beekeeping. Beekeepers with little formal beekeeping experience may also benefit from this course. Tutors are available all day to answer questions.
Content: All the information required to understand the responsibilities of a beekeeper, and help you decide whether you want to keep bees.

An Introduction to Peatland Restoration

Whether you are a crofter, farmer, land manager or just interested in finding out more about peatland restoration opportunities. Join us for a day to find out more about the drive for peatland restoration in Scotland, peatland restoration techniques, the Peatland ACTION project and funding opportunities.
Discussions will cover:
• Peatland condition and management
• Peatlands and carbon
• Peatland restoration techniques such as: bare peat restoration, forest to bog restoration techniques, and ditch blocking/reprofiling

Building Ideas With Data - LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshop

With LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® we build, we share, we learn.

Building Ideas With Data will explore how we can think creatively with data to tell stories about our work, our impact and our vision.

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) Method is based on a set of fundamental beliefs about leadership and organisations. People naturally want to contribute, be part of something bigger and take ownership of ideas. All too often, leaders leave knowledge untapped in their teams but allowing each team member to contribute and
speak out results in more sustainable business.

Get your business Brexit-ready

Help prepare your business for Brexit by joining Highlands and Islands Enterprise's free workshop.

Delivered by the Institute of Export and International Trade (IoE), it will cover the impact of Brexit on EU trade, along with the wider implications on exporting to the rest of the world.

You will also find out more about the support available for businesses and have the opportunity to ask specific questions related to the consequences of Brexit on your company.

The Essentials of Exporting to the Nordics - Inverness

The essentials of exporting to the Nordics

Want to develop a successful business plan for cracking the Nordic market? Sign up for this information-packed seminar! Get valuable practical advice from key market experts from Scottish Development International, the Department for International Trade and GlobalScot, and hear first-hand experiences from a Highlands and Islands company that has successfully entered the market. Network with like-minded professionals who share your interest - and learn about potentially lucrative opportunities in Norway and Finland.
