An Introduction to Peatland Restoration
Macphail Centre, Ullapool
Whether you are a crofter, farmer, land manager or just interested in finding out more about peatland restoration opportunities. Join us for a day to find out more about the drive for peatland restoration in Scotland, peatland restoration techniques, the Peatland ACTION project and funding opportunities.
Discussions will cover:
• Peatland condition and management
• Peatlands and carbon
• Peatland restoration techniques such as: bare peat restoration, forest to bog restoration techniques, and ditch blocking/reprofiling
• The benefits of peatland restoration within the context of crofting/farm businesses
• Planning a restoration project
The day will include a morning classroom session, followed by a light lunch. In the afternoon participants will visit a site three miles south of Ullapool to look at an area of peatland.
Tutor: Dr Emily Taylor.
Dr Emily Taylor is a Peatland ACTION project officer and Peatland Restoration Training Advisor based in Dumfries and Galloway at the Crichton Carbon Centre. Emily has also worked on UK and Scottish Government funded projects researching carbon impacts of peatland management.