Women in Agriculture Orkney – Soils & Seeds

FAS Soil and Seed Webinar
Thursday 3 April 2025 - 19:30 to 21:00


Farm Advisory Service

This meeting will take place upstairs at William Shearer Seed Merchant. 

Are you unsure as to what seed mix might work best for your situation? In a pickle to understand the difference between diploid and tetraploid seed varieties?

What about which fields should be reseeded? And weeds? Wanting to know how to boost the clover content of your sward or maybe learn about forage crops which work well in a salt laden/exposed area?

Then come along to our evening at Wm Shearer’s (upstairs) to hear from Richard and William on all things seed. Susan Pirie will be there to explain about soil sampling and how it is an important part of the new Whole Farm Plan.

Book your space HERE
