Dumfries & Galloway LEADER supports 17 projects in 2016

Dumfries and Galloway LEADER Local Action Group are delighted, in a backdrop of change, to have committed £867,041.10 to a mix of community, enterprise and farm diversification projects since March 2016.
The key themes of Economy, Land, Coast and Marine Environments, and Sustainable Settlements have been evident in all of the supported projects from the reconstruction of an Iron Age roundhouse and development of traditional skills, to the creation of an alpaca trekking experience to diversify and supporting a community to rebuild its village hall which was destroyed by fire.
Full details of all the supported projects can be found on the newly launched Dumfries and Galloway LEADER website.
The total project portfolio across the region is now £1,906,423.40 and the team have dealt with over 270 formal Expressions of Interest.
The LEADER Team are looking forward to another busy year in 2017 and are already working with over 40 potential applicants for the decision making meeting in March.
Wishing everyone across rural Scotland a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
More on LEADER
To find out more about LEADER, and the programme in your area, visit the LEADER section of our website.
If you have an idea for a project, you can submit an Expression of Interest form.