LEADER funding for three Dumfries & Galloway projects

Dumfries and Galloway Local Action Group had their latest meeting on 17 November 2016 and approved three projects, awarding £178,949.95 in total.
The projects awarded funding were:
Kirkcudbright Galleries Project | Applicant: Dumfries and Galloway Council
This project is for the development of a two-year three-month project and delivery of a 15-month Activity Plan which will launch the gallery, enable audience development and support sustained future interest in the facility thereby delivering an art gallery of national significance for the town of Kirkcudbright
- D&G LEADER: £124,999.73
- Total Project Cost: £322,498.73
Beeswax Foundation Machine | Applicant: Solway Bee Supplies
This project will guarantee the supply and quality of Beeswax Comb Foundation to customers, helping to maintain stability in the beekeeping industry. By encouraging and supporting beekeeping, it helps maintain the biodiversity of the region and the natural environment, which in turn benefit the agricultural and tourism sectors, which are two of the main economic activities in Dumfries and Galloway.
- D&G LEADER: £13,287.25
- Total Project Cost: £26,574.50
Upland Creative Network | Applicant: Upland Arts Development CIC
Upland Creative Network will broker relationships which will explore drivers for economic and creative development and which will inspire and educate young people about visual arts and crafts micro-businesses. Upland's new activities are aimed to create a rhizosphere of support that all artists and makers can access.
- D&G LEADER: £40,662.97
- Total Project Cost: £81,325.94