LEADER funding for Dumfries & Galloway projects

Almost £550,000 of LEADER funding has been awarded to projects following the first round of decision making meetings with the Dumfries & Galloway LEADER Local Action Group.
Funding of £549,901.35 has been awarded to projects with a total value of £1,250,258.26. Supported projects were varied and include both The Whithorn Trust’s Iron Age Roundhouse which explores the history and heritage of the region, as well as farm diversification funding to provide an alpaca trekking experience!
Local Action Group members also approved funding for a project to provide a localised sensory service in Dumfries & Galloway as well as a selection of cultural projects ranging from classical music education and outreach, to a festival of film and photography that celebrates the natural world and wildlife of Scotland.
Nicola Hill LEADER Programme Manager for Dumfries & Galloway said:
"The LEADER programme continues to provide a source of funding for local rural development across Scotland which injects much needed resources into our economy. We have a great track-record of helping applicants to realise their projects and Dumfries & Galloway has seen a tremendous benefit from this over the years so we will continue to work with applicants to deliver the best programme we can with the resources that we have."
The Dumfries & Galloway LEADER Programme 2014-2020 is a rolling programme with decision-making meetings taking place on a quarterly basis so Expressions of Interest and applications are welcomed at any time.
If you have an idea for a project, or would like to know more, contact the Dumfries & Galloway LEADER team by emailing DGLeaderTeam@dumgal.gov.uk or calling 01387 260028.
You can submit an Expression of Interest on our website.
Visit our LEADER section to find out more about LEADER.
And you can watch a short film about the six of the fantastic LEADER projects from the 2007-2013 programme below:
Scottish LEADER programme from ScottishRuralNetwork on Vimeo.