Farming, food, nature and public money - workshop

Tuesday 29 November 2022 - 09:30 to 11:30
Nourish Scotland
This workshop is designed to gather views from the people of Scotland. Anyone interested in food, nature, and wellbeing is welcome to attend. You do not have to be an expert in any of these fields to contribute. You can expect a welcoming and inclusive space, and an engaging discussion.
Each year the Scottish Government spends over £500 million supporting farming and crofting in Scotland. Given the multiple pressures we face, Nourish Scotland ask could this budget be used creatively to increase wellbeing, protect nature and produce food at the same time?
In this workshop you will:
- learn about the Government's plans for food and farming in Scotland
- work together to explore the links between agriculture, nature, climate, public health, local economy and community wellbeing
- consider how the new farm subsidy system could support positive change across these areas
- discuss what just transition might look like in this sector