Highland Council

Getting Ready for Investment

A series of eight events across the Highlands and Islands delivered by:

  • Social Investment Scotland
  • Local Energy Scotland
  • Community Shares Scotland

What's the plan?

Arrive 10.00 for 10.30 start Morning - Introductions

Partner Perspectives - Hear from the three organising partners, Social Investment Scotland (SIS) Local Energy Scotland (LES) and Community Shares Scotland (CSS) as they give an overview of their services and the support they provide across the Highlands & Islands

Getting Ready for Investment

A series of eight events across the Highlands and Islands delivered by:

  • Social Investment Scotland
  • Local Energy Scotland
  • Community Shares Scotland

What's the plan?

Arrive 10.00 for 10.30 start Morning - Introductions

Partner Perspectives - Hear from the three organising partners, Social Investment Scotland (SIS) Local Energy Scotland (LES) and Community Shares Scotland (CSS) as they give an overview of their services and the support they provide across the Highlands & Islands

Music in May

As part of the celebrations for 400 Years of Golf (www.dornoch400.com) Visit Dornoch & the Royal Dornoch Golf Club are promoting a month of musical events in May.

There will be live music in a number of local venues, including Grannies’ Heilan’ Hame, The Eagle Hotel, The Whisky Bar in the Castle Hotel and the Dornoch Inn.

Engaging young people

A cooperation project idea for a pilot across Scotland to create a youth network.

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Addressing fuel poverty

Proposed cooperation project looking to address fuel poverty in rural communities.

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Rural Enterprise Support

A proposed cooperation project on support for rural enterprises.

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Map of strategic cycle routes and long distance paths

An idea for a cooperation project to map strategic cycle paths and long distance paths.

Find out more

Rural Manifesto event - Sleat

Take part in one of the Scottish Rural Parliament's Rural Manifesto 2016 events and fill in the blank pages together with all of rural Scotland!

The Manifesto will be a statement of collective ambitions and the actions that are needed to ensure these ambitions are realised for all of our rural communities.

Refreshments will be provided.

Rural Manifesto Event - Gairloch

Take part in one of the Scottish Rural Parliament's Rural Manifesto 2016 events and fill in the blank pages together with all of rural Scotland!

The Manifesto will be a statement of collective ambitions and the actions that are needed to ensure these ambitions are realised for all of our rural communities.

Refreshments will be provided.

Rural Manifesto event - Lochcarron

Take part in one of the Scottish Rural Parliament's Rural Manifesto 2016 events and fill in the blank pages together with all of rural Scotland!

The Manifesto will be a statement of collective ambitions and the actions that are needed to ensure these ambitions are realised for all of our rural communities.

Refreshments will be provided.
