
An innovative tea growing project in Angus, Perth & Kinross and Fife has received a funding boost from the LEADER programmes in these areas.

The award of £49,550 has been made to Artisan Tea Gardens Ltd by the LEADER Local Action Groups in Angus, Fife and Perth & Kinross.

Artisan Tea Gardens Ltd is a collaborative partnership of nine tea growers, two in Angus, five in Perth & Kinross and two in Fife, who aim to grow 100 percent Scottish tea for lovers of traditionally-made produce.


More than 140 people attended the Stirling Food Summit last week, setting out a vision of Stirling as Scotland’s first Good Food Nation city.

The two-day event took place at the Forth Valley College campus in the city, with a focus on strategy on Friday 19 May and a community day on the Saturday 20 May.

Stirling Council Director of Localities and Infrastructure, Alastair Brown opened the event.

A new service has launched today to connect food and drink businesses with innovation support.

A new free online platform has launched to help more people make use of smart farming technologies.

The Smart Farming Platform has been launched by the Horizon 2020 thematic network Smart AKIS.

An invitation to tender for the provision of an Innovation Support Service for the agricultural, food and drink, and forestry sectors has been published by the Scottish Government.

The Scottish Rural Network Support Unit at Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Economy in the Scottish Government is looking for a provider to set up and run an Innovation Support Service.

Driving Innovation in Scottish Agri-Food

Agrimetrics invites you to “Driving Innovation in Scottish Agri-Food”.

Come along to hear the latest developments in Scottish agri-food innovation, meet the new Agri-Tech centres, learn who the knowledge providers are and understand what support there is for innovation.

The European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI) is looking for your ideas for new Focus Groups.

EIP-AGRI provides support to projects which show innovation in linking research with farming or forestry practices. Each year at least five new Focus Groups start working on a range of themes.

Ayrshire LEADER have teamed up with Crowdfunder to launch a new online platform for groups, organisations and businesses to raise money, awareness and support using the power of the crowd.

Ayrshire LEADER's Local Action Group (LAG) is the first in the UK to embrace this fundraising concept with the launch of #Crowdfund Rural Ayrshire.

The European Innovation Partnership 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' (EIP-AGRI) are looking for livestock farmers and forest managers to take part in two new Focus Groups.

The topics to be covered by the Focus Groups are:

You can apply now to take part in the two-day EIP-AGRI seminar ‘Digital Innovation Hubs: mainstreaming digital agriculture’.

The seminar is organised by the European Commission and will take place on 1-2 June 2017 in Kilkenny, Ireland.
