LEADER funding for Tayside tea project

An innovative tea growing project in Angus, Perth & Kinross and Fife has received a funding boost from the LEADER programmes in these areas.
The award of £49,550 has been made to Artisan Tea Gardens Ltd by the LEADER Local Action Groups in Angus, Fife and Perth & Kinross.
Artisan Tea Gardens Ltd is a collaborative partnership of nine tea growers, two in Angus, five in Perth & Kinross and two in Fife, who aim to grow 100 percent Scottish tea for lovers of traditionally-made produce.
Growing the tea is technically challenging in a Scottish climate and the product will, therefore, command a premium price among tea enthusiasts. To overcome the challenges of establishing, growing, tending cropping and processing Scottish tea, the project includes specialist advice from expert tea consultants and special equipment for working in the individual gardens.
Once established, hopefully within two or three years, the group aim to develop a tea-trail around the sites, allowing their fans to see the gardens and compare the teas.
The award is the first for a cooperation project for Angus LEADER. Angus LEADER coordinator Dave Tollick said:
"Artisan Tea Gardens Ltd have two years of development work to look forward to at sites across Angus, Perth & Kinross and Fife. The potential is for the gardens involved to provide ground-breaking new tea products and, eventually, to develop training courses for growers and, hopefully, a tea-trial around the gardens for tea fans. Vodka, gin and now tea are all being made in Angus…who’d have thought?"
The LEADER 2014-2020 rural development programme is part-funded by the Scottish Government and the European Community and aims to improve the quality of life and prosperity in rural communities through locally driven initiatives and projects.
LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs) are made up of representatives from local communities, businesses and organisations with an interest in rural development. They meet quarterly to approve LEADER grants for communities and businesses in their local authority area.
For more information about the project contact Angus LEADER by emailing ruralleader@angus.gov.uk or calling 01307 474 696.
Find more about the Angus LEADER programme on Facebook and Twitter or see the latest Angus LEADER newsletter.
You can find out more about the Perth & Kinross LEADER programme on Facebook and Twitter or their website and visit the Fife LEADER website for more information about the programme in that area.
More about LEADER across Scotland
You can find out about LEADER across Scotland in the LEADER section of our website, where you can also submit an Expression of Interest form if you have an idea for a project.
And watch our short film below to find out more about six inspiring projects that received funding in the LEADER 2007-2013 programme.
Scottish LEADER programme - subtitled version from ScottishRuralNetwork on Vimeo.