Invitation to tender for Innovation Support Service

An invitation to tender for the provision of an Innovation Support Service for the agricultural, food and drink, and forestry sectors has been published by the Scottish Government.
The Scottish Rural Network Support Unit at Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Economy in the Scottish Government is looking for a provider to set up and run an Innovation Support Service.
The Innovation Support Service is aimed at increasing collaborative innovation in the agricultural, food and drink, and forestry sectors in Scotland through active engagement with farmers, landowners, crofters and other businesses in the food and drink supply chain.
The Innovation Support Service will:
- act as an "innovation broker" putting farmers, landowners and crofters in touch with the people they need to work with and vice versa (e.g. researchers, other businesses in the food and drink supply chain, NGOs, consultants etc). This should enable them to share information, find the solution to an issue identified or to realise a specific new approach or idea they have (innovation opportunity)
- actively promote the benefits of collaboration to foster innovation and facilitate the dissemination of information about innovation projects/approaches in agriculture and forestry
- form part of a wider package of support for innovation. The service provider will be expected to work closely with others to ensure a joined up approach is taken
- be expected to work with Scotland Europa and other relevant organisations to help groups carrying out innovation projects in agriculture and forestry take part in Horizon 2020, Eurostars and other EU funded projects.
The deadline is 30 May 2017.
You can find full details on the Public Contracts Scotland website.
For more information email Carrie MacPherson at or call 0131 244 7216.