
The planning process for new clean energy infrastructure in Scotland will be improved under UK and Scottish government proposals to reform outdated legislation that can delay new projects being built. 

A new report from the Scottish Taskforce for Green and Sustainable Financial Services makes 31 recommendations on how the public and private sectors can encourage and fund green investments and tackle the climate emergency.

Power Up Your Community! Energy Learning Network Webinar

Want to meet others, learn from them and share your community aspirations?

Join for an interactive webinar designed for smaller and emerging community energy groups, hosted by Community Energy Scotland.

Celebrating Organics Food for the Future

The Celebrating Organics conference is a one-day national conference where delegates will hear from expert speakers that have a vast range of knowledge in Organic food and farming, plus wider views on the future of the organic sector in Scotland.

The Countryside Trust has announced an invitation to tender for a ‘Rainforest bryophytes survey and assessment’, which will support the first delivery phase of Wild Strathfillan nature restoration project.

Funding has been awared through NatureScot’s Nature Restoration Fund for ‘Lochside to Mountain-top', the first delivery phase of Wild Strathfillan.  

Autumn Event & AGM

Join Women in Agriculture for the Autumn Event & AGM at The Den, Culross on Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 at 10:00 AM.


The Scottish Government and DESNZ have a shared objective in ensuring that Great British Energy (GBE) is set up to deliver effectively and maximise the benefits of its activities in Scotland.

The joint objective is intended to secure investment in domestic priority supply chains and infrastructure to increase the pace of delivery of clean energy technologies, and maximise the economic benefits. This include job creation.

Circular Communities Scotland Annual Conference 2024

BOOK YOUR PLACE AT Circular Communities Scotland’s 2024 Annual Conference

‘The Difference We Make: 2024 & Beyond’

A new evaluation of 'Community Led Local Development' or 'CLLD' has been made available by Rose Regeneration in partnership with Scottish Government.

'Community Led Local Development' or 'CLLD' gives local communities the power to tackle their own, local challenges. By building knowledge and skills, supporting new ideas and encouraging cooperation, CLLD helps to create viable and resilient communities.

LLTNPA Resilient Farm Network

The Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park Authority is delighted to announce the launch of the Resilient Farm Network.
