
Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) has welcomed local business, The Gin Bothy, as the first commercial enterprise to move into Glen Prosen.

The announcement follows an extensive consultation process that included taking expressions of interest to find suitable uses for the various estate buildings.

The Carbon Neutral Islands (CNI) Progress Report 2023-2024 has been published.

It highlights some of the exciting projects that have been taking place across the six islands which are part of the project (Barra, Cumbrae, Hoy, Islay, Raasay and Yell).

Moray Pathways has launched a Community Space Fund to improve employability services within community spaces and improve digital connectivity and accessibility in the area.

Village halls and community hubs are often the heart of rural and island communities. They are places for people to gather, socialise, learn and crucially, to access services.

Scottish Water has completed construction on a pioneering new type of hydro energy generation scheme at a reservoir in East Lothian, believed to be the first of its kind in Europe.

Scottish Rural and Islands Transport Community (SRITC) Virtual Cafe

This engaging session will bring together participants interested in understanding how accessible transport services directly affect quality of life in remote areas.

An Ambitious Future for Community Energy in Scotland

Learn about Community Owned Energy in Scotland

  • What is, what it looks like and what it can look like in the future
  • Benefits for you and your community
  • How to get involved
  • How to get support for your own projects

Hear from

Scotland’s natural assets contribute more than £40 billion to the economy and support around 260,000 jobs, according to new research!

Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon has confirmed an extended consultation period for people to have their say on whether Galloway should be designated a National Park.

A new Crop Innovation Centre (CIC) was officially opened last week (25 October). 

Dunkeld, Birnam & District Community Development Trust Artisan Village Open Afternoon

Join Community Land Scotland for an open afternoon near the site Dunkeld, Birnam & District Community Development Trust (DBDCDT) hope to purchase as part of a community asset transfer.
