Woodland Habitat Impact Assessment (WHIALite) Workshop - Dingwall

Wyvis Estate Dingwall IV16 9XW
2024 WHIALite Programme
As part of The Wild Deer Best Practice guidance collection, Steering Group partners, led by NatureScot and Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) developed a simplified methodology for assessing the impacts of grazing herbivores on woodland habitat.
Known as ‘WHIA Lite’ this method has been developed to stand separately to the full Woodland Habitat Impact Assessment (WHIA) methodology found in the woodland grazing toolbox on the Scottish Forestry website.
We are running a series of workshops across Scotland this Spring to train Practitioners in its use. During these training workshops we will cover the basics of undertaking this alternative monitoring method, of which we have the following guides available:
- Methodology Sheet - https://tinyurl.com/WHIALite-Methodology
- Record Sheet - https://tinyurl.com/WHIALite-Record
Meeting Location:
Wyvis Estate, Dingwall, IV16 9XW
These events are delivered outside so please enusre you have the following:
- Suitable outdoor clothing and footwear
- Clipboard/weather writer
- Packed lunch/refreshments
If you have specific questions regarding the training days please contact louise.farmer@nature.scot