Stirling Food Summit - Community Day

Saturday 20 May 2017 - 10:00 to 15:00
Forth Valley College, Stirling Campus
Forth Environment Link, The Forth Valley & Lomond area Local Food & Drink Co-ordinator, Soil Association Scotland, Sustainable Food Cities, and other partners
A jam-packed day of inspiration, celebration and skill-sharing around food!
If you can only make it for part of the day, please come along. The event is a chance to celebrate foodie successes, share what is important to you in regards to food,enjoy free workshops about food, and of course, eat local and delicious food!
- 10:00 - 11:00 - Good Food in Stirling, where are we at? - The morning will set the scene, lend some foodie inspiration, and get you thinking about the opportunities around food in Stirling. We will be exploring the idea of Stirling as Scotland's first "Good Food Nation" city, as well as a “Sustainable Food City” - with a vibrant and prosperous food economy, nutritious and accessible food for all, sustainable production and distribution systems, and an enviable and thriving food culture
- 11:00 - 12:00 - Good Food in Stirling, where do we want to go? - We need everyone's ideas, thoughts, and experience to contribute to a Vision for food and drink in the area, and provide insights for our Local Food Strategy & Action Plan
- 11:00 - 13:00 - Local Food Marketplace - Peruse our local food marketplace - showcasing different food producers from across the area. Producers will be on hand to have a chat to, or to buy produce from
- 12:00 - 13:00 Local Lunch - For those that register and attend the morning session, there will be a hearty lunch of locally sourced, locally prepared, and delicious food
- 13:00 - 15:00 - Foodie skill-sharing sessions - The afternoon will feature a variety of free workshops - surrounding different food themes. One set of sessions is from 13:00- 14:00, and then they repeat from 14:00 - 15:00. Some examples are:
- Foraging for your dinner - Get up close and personal with the wild feast that is all around - in your garden, on the hedgerows, and on your evening stroll. Basic foraging, plant ID, and ways to prepare foraged food
- How do I buy more local food? - Exploring different avenues to get more local food - from the Food Assembly model, to rural food hubs, and more!
- Sourdough bread mini-course - Have a go and get your hands in some dough. Mini sourdough bread making workshop includes theory, practical, and tasters!
- Waste not, want not - innovations in reducing food waste, including a new Food Waste Tool-kit from Forth Environment Link
This event is organised and supported by Forth Environment Link, The Forth Valley & Lomond area Local Food & Drink Co-ordinator, Soil Association Scotland, Sustainable Food Cities, and other partners.