SIF Online Session: Addressing Depopulation Action Plan

Online Session: Addressing Depopulation Action Plan - Image of Boats
Wednesday 5 June 2024 - 07:30 to 21:00


Scottish Islands Federation

Growing and maintaining a sustainable population is probably the key driver for the majority of island communities, and following the launch of the Addressing Depopulation Action Plan (ADAP) in February and a recent visit of the Minister for Housing and Emma Roddick MSP to Eigg, this online session for island community organisations will explore population and the ADAP from an island persepective.

Scottish Islands Federation are delighted to welcome Mike Andrews, Population Team Leader at the Scottish Government, to introduce the ADAP, along with Francesco Bertoldi, National Islands Plan Team Leader, to discuss the role of the National Islands Plan.

The Scottish Islands Federation (SIF) is a network of island communities working together to have a stronger voice on common challenges, and to share ideas and innovation to accelerate change. The overarching aim of SIF is to promote, publicise and advance the interests of Scotland’s 93 inhabited islands.
