Scotland's Pinewood Conference

Scotland's Pinewood Conference - Event image - trees and dates/details
Monday 28 October 2024 - 09:00 to Tuesday 29 October 2024 - 17:00

The Nevis Centre, Fort William 

Pinewoods Scot

This October, Scotland’s Pinewood Conference 2024, aims to bring together a wide range of people interested in pinewood management to examine how landscape scale management can lead to ecosystem recovery, focusing on western pinewoods.

Join us and share your knowledge, experience and insight. The Conference takes place over two days and offers plenty of opportunity to engage, contribute and explore new ideas. You will hear from an exciting lineup of speakers, and take part in workshops and field visits designed to inspire and challenge.

Expect Highland hospitality in the shape of good food and more too!


"Around 6000 years ago, Scotland was blanketed in an estimated 1.5 million hectares of native Caledonian Pinewood. Today less than 1% of this life-supporting habitat is left, in small and isolated fragments, scattered across the Highlands.

Pinewoods are culturally and historically important to the people of Scotland who have shaped and valued them over centuries. They’re also a critical refuge for some of our rarest wildlife – from microscopic lichens to charismatic capercaillie. But Scotland’s Pinewoods are under threat. And in poor condition.

With intensifying climate and nature crises, it has never been more important to ensure our pinewoods are healthy and resilient.

The findings of the recent Caledonian Pinewood Recovery Project, the most comprehensive study of the health and resilience of Scotland’s ancient pinewoods in 60 years, revealed many of our pinewoods have never been so vulnerable. 23% of remaining Caledonian Pinewoods are critically threatened. If we wish to save them, the time for action is now".

John MacPherson Phuiteachain,

Foretry Land Scotland 

It is hope that the conference will attract a wide range of folks including:

  • Landdowners, land managers and agents
  • Foresters and conservation practitioners
  • Researchers and scientists
  • Policymakers and thought leaders
  • Students
  • Conservation volunteers
  • Community members



£0 - £135