Royal Society of Edinburgh discussion - Life in the Soil: does it matter?

Wednesday 24 February 2016 - 18:00 to 20:00
Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22-26 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PQ
Royal Society of Edinburgh
The evening will focus on the vital roles which biodiversity beneath our feet play - in maintaining the soil's fertility, the ecosystems services which they perform, the possibility of new pharmaceutical products, and the problems associated with disease transmission. Soil ecosystems are rich, diverse and vital to life and society.
Speakers to include:
- Professor Richard Bardgett, Professor of Ecology, University of Manchester
- Professor Colin Campbell, Director of Science Excellence, James Hutton Institute
- Professor Julie Fitzpatrick, Scientific Director of the Moredun Research Institute
Panel discussion will be chaired by Susan Davies, CEO, SNH.
The event is being supported by the James Hutton Institute, the Moredun Research Institute, the Strategic Research Programme and Scottish Natural Heritage.