NFU Scotland Diversity Discussion Open Meeting - Argyll

NFU Scotland Diversity Discussion Open Meeting - Argyll
Wednesday 10 July 2024 - 10:00 to 11:30

Bridge Cafe Oban Ltd

3 Soroba Lane Oban PA34 4HX

NFU Scotland

NFU Scotland Diversity Discussion Open Meeting - Argyll

NFU Scotland is embarking on research to explore how a wider cross-section of people from across Scotland can get involved with the union and it’s work.

NFU Scotland board has made diversity and inclusion a key priority for 2024. Caroline Millar, who has just completed three years on the NFU Scotland Board, is leading on a project to undertake research and to present recommendations in the Autumn. NFU Scotland’s Policy Advisor Lucy McGillivray will work alongside Caroline and support the work being undertaken.

Caroline Millar said “It would be great to listen to the views of as many people as possible over the coming months about diversity. The views of NFU Scotland members are a core element, but this project reaches wider than this and we are keen to speak to people who are not NFU Scotland members and people in the wider rural economy about this important topic.”

Register to come along and take part in the conversation, share ideas and help shape the future of farming in Scotland.

If you have any questions, please email:

Time: 10.00am for a 10.30am start

Location: The Bridge Cafe


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