West Lothian LEADER launching soon

The new West Lothian LEADER programme will officially launch on 17 March at SRUC Oatridge College Campus.
The West Lothian LEADER programme will see £2.17 million invested in community-led local development in rural West Lothian.
Administered under the Scottish Rural Development Programme, LEADER is a European grant scheme that supports innovative and original projects that are driven and run by local communities, businesses and organisations. It also focuses on co-operation between groups both local and national and even cross Europe.
At the event you will hear from projects funded in their last programme, learn more about their Local Development Strategy and how the public, private and third sector can work together to achieve their goals.
The launch event is free to attend, but booking is essential as places are limited. You can register on Eventbrite.
Executive councillor for development and transport Cathy Muldoon said:
"We would encourage rural communities, businesses and organisations, to bring innovative projects forward for consideration. A number of local drop-in information sessions have been organised around the county which will provide more information on LEADER and how to apply."
West Lothian LEADER will be funding projects under the following themes:
- Theme 1: Well-Connected Communities
- Theme 2: Stronger Communities
- Theme 3: Improved Local Environment
A series of local drop-in sessions will also take place in coming weeks.
- Tuesday 12 April, 4-7pm - Blackburn Community Centre, Drop In Room
- Wednesday 13 April, 4-7pm - Uphall Community Centre, Coffee Lounge
- Tuesday 19 April, 4-7pm - Armadale Community Centre, Lounge Room
- Thursday 21 April, 4-7pm - Linlithgow Lowport Centre, Lounge
- Wednesday 27 April, 4-7pm - Fauldhouse Partnership Centre, Room 3
- Thursday 28 April, 4-7pm, Mid Calder Community Centre
For more information call 01506 283 094, email leader@westlothian.gov.uk or visit: www.westlothian.gov.uk/LEADER.