Kelvin Valley and Falkirk LEADER launches

Kelvin Valley and Falkirk are the latest Local Action Group to launch their LEADER programme.
At a packed event in Kilsyth’s Colzium House on 29 October over 70 attendees heard how the £2.8 million fund will support economic and community development in rural parts of Falkirk, North Lanarkshire and East Dumbartonshire.
David Tollick, from Falkirk Council, explained the focus of the European fund, which is part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme was on creating a more vibrant and sustainable economy for the local area by supporting business and employment and promoting and using the area’s extensive cultural and natural assets including the John Muir Way, Antonine Wall and canal network.
Programme Manager, Emma McMullen, explained that the LEADER Local Action Group for the area made up of community, private and public body members had agreed a local development strategy which concentrated on the key themes of heritage, tourism and leisure as well as community services and the importance of supporting local business.
Attendees heard first-hand about the success of previous projects supported by the LEADER programme including Communities Along the Carron (CATCA) and Twechar Community Action’s Environmental Training project.
Local Action Group members were then on hand all evening to discuss new project ideas with potential applicants and talk them through the application process.
More information can be found at the Kelvin Valley and Falkirk LEADER website.
Expression of Interest in applying for funding can be submitted through our website.