Outer Hebrides LEADER encourages applications

Outer Hebrides LEADER are seeking applications for their October 2017 deadline.
The Outer Hebrides LEADER 2014-2020 Programme has supported a number of projects and the Local Action Group, who manage the funds, are seeking applications from businesses and community groups who would like to introduce and develop new and innovative ideas focussing around young people, crofting diversification, renewables and new activities for visitors and locals to enjoy and experience.
Funding is limited and the next deadline for applications for projects seeking LEADER support is Wednesday 11 October 2017. Prospective applicants should initially submit an Expression of Interest and a LEADER officer will then contact you to discuss your proposal, its eligibility and the next steps.
Ideally projects should have match funding in place by the application submission deadline and must demonstrate innovative solutions to support community and economic development of the Outer Hebrides. Projects must not have started, show that they will benefit the local community, be completely different to what the enterprise is already offering and not displace other existing businesses. LEADER can support both capital and revenue projects including new products and services, initiatives and creating new networking opportunities.
Projects which aim to develop networking opportunities and learn new skills from their counterparts in other LEADER areas in Scotland, UK, Europe or further afield can also be considered and separate funding is available to support these. Cooperation projects can focus on any sector and will attract a higher intervention rate if assisted.
Due to limited funding currently being available this may be the final call for applications for the Outer Hebrides LEADER 2014-2020 Programme therefore please contact the LEADER team at your earliest opportunity should you wish to discuss your proposal.
LEADER funding has been delivering community-led local development (CLLD) opportunities to local communities across the Outer Hebrides for over 25 years. To date it has supported over 700 projects and committed over £9.5m LEADER funding throughout the islands, together with levering in an additional £20m of public and private funding.
The Outer Hebrides LEADER Programme is administered by a Local Action Group comprising of private and public representatives from across a wide range of sectors.
Further information on the Outer Hebrides LEADER Programme can be found at www.outerhebridesleader.co.uk or email the LEADER team at outerhebridesleader@cne-siar.gov.uk or call the Stornoway office on 01851 600 501 or Balivanich on 01870 602425.
More about LEADER across Scotland
You can find out about LEADER across Scotland in the LEADER section of our website, where you can also submit an Expression of Interest form if you have an idea for a project.
And watch our short film below to find out more about six inspiring projects that received funding in the LEADER 2007-2013 programme.
Scottish LEADER programme from ScottishRuralNetwork on Vimeo.