CSGN Community Project Fund deadline approaching

The deadline for applying to the Central Scotland Green Network (CSGN) Community Project Fund is approaching.
CSGN would like to hear from groups or organisations who want to deliver greenspace projects that make a difference to the quality of places and people's lives.
Applications to the CSGN Community Project Fund will be accepted until 12 noon on 22 March 2016.
Grants of up to £1,000 are available for activities such as:
- conservation and education projects like developing a natural learning space
- developing a community growing area
- biodiversity activities, such as improvements to ponds and wetlands for wildlife
- community events, such as a park improvement day
- woodland arts activities, such as carved log seating or mosaics
Feasibility projects such as investigating opportunities to develop a local greenspace are also welcome.
Projects that would like to apply to the CSGN Community Project Fund need to have their applications to us by 12 noon on Tuesday 22 March 2016. There is still time to contact CSGN if you would like to discuss your idea before applying, email them at cpf@csgnt.org.uk.