Calling all new entrants to crofting

The Scottish Crofting Federation have launched their Access to Crofting Toolkit this week.
The toolkit is a learning space to support crofters, new entrants, successors and aspiring crofters.
The cornerstone to the toolkit is a certified training course developed by the Scottish Crofting Federation that covers three core themes:
- Crofting in Context
- Land and Environment
- Production Routes (Livestock and Horticultural)
The weekend training courses will be held in a variety of locations across the crofting areas and will be the focus of the toolkit where participants will get to meet one another and participate in interactive workshops with industry experts to give participants a sound grounding in a variety of knowledges areas that are relevant to those starting out or growing their crofting enterprise.
In addition to this there will be a variety of learning resources to support the project in video, written and online formats. For those using social media a peer support study group called 'The Communal Fank' will be a place to share knowledge and get the craic.
Dates for the Access to Crofting Toolkit weekends are out now and the Scottish Crofting Federation are pleased to announce their local course directors for this year:
- Inverness: Lucy Beattie and Tina Hartley 1/2 October 2016
- Isle of Lewis: Lisa MacLean 4/5 November 2016
- Isle of Skye: Janette Sutherland 3/4 February 2017
- Argyll: Julia Hamilton 25/26 February 2017
- Moray: Lynne Laing 18/19 March 2017
The project could not go ahead without the tremendous support of the crofting training team and their funders which include the Scottish Government Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP), Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Natural Heritage, The Woodland Trust Scotland and the MacRobert Trust.
Bookings are being taken now via
Full course details are available on request from the Scottish Crofting Federation.
Find out more about Scottish Crofting Federation training in the short video below.