Angus LEADER welcomes Borjormi visitors

Angus LEADER Local Action Group will be playing host to visitors from Georgia this February.
Angus LAG is supporting the development of a rural strategy for the Borjormi area of Georgia. Eleven Georgian visitors will visit Angus during the week of 1 to 5 February 2016 looking at some of the successful projects from the previous programme, and meeting key players from the Scottish and European LEADER scene.
Georgia is working hard to develop its regions, particularly in agriculture, to generate more production, stimulate local business, foster employment and encourage tourism.
The European Union (EU) has acknowledged this action and has expanded its support to Georgia’s rural development by helping Georgia establish a successful rural development policy that follows the best practises across Europe.
Georgia’s plans for the agricultural sector development include improving capacities, providing resources for better rural services and creating new jobs. Other planned action included non-agricultural activities, such as developing eco-tourism and supporting other rural business.
To help Georgia achieve this, the EU has provided €3 million (8 million GEL) and launched a new rural development program with Georgia’s Ministry of Agriculture.