Making a Living from Local Food – Networking Event

Monday 2 October 2017 - 09:45 to 20:30
Falkland Centre for Stewardship, The Stables, Falkland Estate, Falkland, KY15 7AF
Nourish Scotland
Nourish Scotland is organising a one-day networking event for new and aspiring small local food and related businesses at the Falkland Stewardship Centre in Fife on Oct 2. There will be speakers, consultation with rural services (including the Soil Association, Business Gateway Fife, Farm Advisory Service and a Scot Gov Department of Agriculture Officer); site tours, and more!
The fee for participating in this day is £10, plus a set price for dinner at the organic cafe (soup, sandwich, coffee and desert) at £15 per person should you be able to join at the end of the day.