Lunchtime 101: Sewage sludge on farmland

Sewage sludge on farmland - Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland
Thursday 18 July 2024 - 13:00 to 14:00


Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland

What are the environmental and health risks of spreading sewage sludge on farmland? Hear from campaigners and experts on the issues with regulation of sewage sludge in Scotland.

Why you should know about sewage sludge spreading


Communities across Scotland are facing the impacts of sewage sludge spreading on agricultural land. Sewage sludge, a by-product of wastewater treatment, is often used as a fertilizer to grow food. But community members and experts are raising the alarm about poor regulation and enforcement and the harmful chemicals it contains, such as heavy metals, PFAS, pharmaceuticals and microplastics.

Sewage sludge spreading is banned in the Netherlands and Switzerland and is strictly regulated in many countries due to the risks to human health and environment.

Why is Scotland lagging behind and what needs to happen now?


Joining ERCS will be community campaigner Jo Hirst and Natasha Kitching from FIDRA.

Together we will talk you through:

  • The environmental and health impacts of sewage sludge spreading on farmland
  • The campaign for improved regulation

There will also be time for discussion and Q&A.
