Fire Safety in Woodlands

Thursday 28 March 2024 - 16:00 to 17:30
Community Woodlands Association
Fire Safety in Woodlands is becoming a greater concern each year as we face ongoing cold, dry springs and dry, hot summers. The risk of wildfire is ever increasing as is the risk of our woodlands catching fire.
To ensure our members prepare well for wildfire management we would like to invite you to attend a session with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Cairngorms National Park Authority who will advise on:
- Essential steps to help prevent wildfires
- How to prepare wildfire plans, and what information should be contained within them
- How to identify risk, and what you should do as a result
- What happens should the Fire and Rescue Service be called to your woodland/ forest
Colin McClean, Head of Land Management at Cairngorms National Park Authority will discuss:
Structuring a wild-fire plan, to include:
- Wildfire prevention
- Response to wildfires that do start (by non-Fire Service Personnel)
- Increasing resilience in the landscape
Deputy Assistant Chief Officer Bruce Farquharson, Head of Training and Wildfire Capability Lead Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Chair of the Scottish Wildfire Forum will discuss:
- Fire and Rescue Service experience of fires in woodlands/ forests
- What is helpful to have in a fire plan
- What happens when Fire and Rescue Service arrive at a fire