Perth & Kinross Council

Buildings for Biodiversity Conference

Tay Landscape Partnership (TayLP) are delighted to offer a one-day conference on 9 November 2017 to raise awareness of how important both rural and urban buildings are to the survival of key species like swifts, barn owls and bats and to explore cost effective ways to accommodate them, whilst avoiding delays to work, and complying with the law.

Who should attend
The event has been designed to appeal to professionals who plan, build, repair, maintain and manage buildings.

What you will take away

Paddock grazing 4 profit

A practical day discussing  paddock grazing and the benefits it can bring, optimising animal performance from pasture.

The importance of functional genetic traits will also be discussed.

Speakers include Murray Rohloff, NZ sheep/grazing consultant and Robyn Hulme, Easyrams.

The day will also include  a visit to Montalt Farm courtesy of the Ritchie family.

Free of charge to farmers and land managers and £40 + VAT to others.

Worming your way to profit

A practical workshop on a hill farm looking at effective ways of treating fluke and worms. It will cover diagnosis, control, different treatments, and pasture management. 

Can you change things to improve health and productivity, and maybe even save a bit of cash? Practical demonstrations will show the principles in action – with handling, weighing, and faecal egg counts. 

Rural Leadership Programme information evening

People from across the country can now apply to take part in Scottish Enterprise's Rural Leadership Programme.

This unique and popular programme - which is delivered on behalf of Scottish Enterprise by SAC Consulting - is aimed at business managers and employees from rural businesses who have a desire to develop their leadership skills and grow their business.

An introduction to the NPMS at Hill and Mountain Research Centre

Spend a day exploring the methodology of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme and meeting like-minded volunteers. You will be taken through what is required as an NPMS volunteer and then head outside to practise setting up survey plots.

An introduction to the NPMS at Kindrogan Field Studies Centre

Spend a day exploring the methodology of the National Plant Monitoring Scheme and meeting like-minded volunteers. You will be taken through what is required as an NPMS volunteer and then head outside to practise setting up survey plots.

Rural Wisdom Get-together

As a part of the Rural Wisdom project Outside the Box are exploring ways to make rural areas work better for older people. They’re going to be holding a series of events across Scotland for anyone who is interested in this work to come together, to share thoughts, to hear from others and to build the network around the country.

The first of these events will be happening on Tuesday 9 May in Perth.

The day will include:

Project to establish the production of brochures on themed tours

An organisation is sought to lead an initiative, ideally one easily recognised by residents and also workers across sectors in Scotland north of Perth.

Find out more

Samhain, Spooks and Sacrifice (evening event)

Artefact of the Month - Arrow Head

The culmination of our season is the Celtic Samhain Festival on the eve of 31st October. Samhain is the predecessor to Halloween and marks the end of the harvest and the beginning of the darker half of the year. Activities include storytelling around the fire in the Crannog, sacrificial wicker ram burn, apple-ducking, soup and many surprises, all lit by flaming torches. Tickets sell out each year so please book early for this hugely popular event.

Fun With Fruit & Fungi

Artefact of the Month - Bracket Fungi, Nuts

In Scotland, autumn is a wonderful time for harvesting fruit and nuts and the ancient loch-dwellers would have exploited and preserved nature’s bounty to help see them through the winter months when provisions were scarce. Our Fun with Fruit & Fungi day celebrates all that is fabulous about this exceptional time of year with lots of tasters of autumnal dishes and apple-pressing to make delicious fresh juice.
