Other World

Cultural activities and cultural heritage as a tool of community integration

Northern Polish LAG - (Pomorskie Voivodeship) are searching for a EU Partner with which to implement a cultural project.

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Cooperation projects and rural development - Poland Conference

The Local Action Groups Network of Swietokrzyskie Region in Poland invites representatives of Local Action Groups to the international conference: Cooperation Projects and Rural Development.

On the first day, there will be project presentations from Polish Local Action Groups regarding:

a) activation of the rural residents

"What a village is a different song" that is local products known and unknown- international cooperation project of LAG-Friendly Mazovia from Poland

The aim of the international cooperation project is to develop tourism through the creation of local products broadly understood, including food products and artefacts and other products such as souvenirs, arts and crafts, everyday objects, cultur

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Beyond 2020: Supporting Europe's Coastal Communities

The Estonian Presidency of the EU and the European Commission are jointly hosting a conference on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) on 12-13.10.2017.

Stakeholders from all across the EU will convene to discuss how the EMFF is helping to support the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and Maritime Policy in the current programming period (2014-2020). The event will also represent the opportunity to discuss the current and future challenges of coastal communities, as well as potential policy responses.  

Transnational LAG Cooperation conference 'Networking Works!'

The Lithuanian Rural Network, in cooperation with the Lithuanian LAG network and the Centre for LEADER Programme and Agricultural Training Methodology is organising a three-day networking event 'Networking works!' that aims to fuel the cooperation among Local Action Groups (LAGs), to inspire ideas for joint actions and support LAGs in search of relevant project partners.

The participants will also be introduced to a number of Lithuanian LAGs and their local projects in the countryside.

Opportunities and future perspectives for resource efficiency in rural areas

The event will build on ongoing European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) thematic work on  ‘Resource Efficiency’, including aspects such as water use efficiency, soil and nutrient management, and soil conservation and carbon sequestration.

Aquaponics in Western-Pomerania, Germany
Name of organisation/business: 
University of Rostock
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (ELER) and national funding (Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Consumer Protection of Mecklenburg Western Pomerania, MV, Germany).

Open Farm Day Tour - Estonia

The Open Farm Day Tour 2016 for international partners will be held on 24 - 25 July 2016 in Estonia.

The first National Open Farm Day in 2015 was a great success among Estonians - 142 farms opened their doors for visitors and more then 50,000 visited them.

Estonian Rural Network Unit will organise the Open Farm Day Trip for collegues and international guests on 24-25 July 2016.

Collegues from European Union countries and Nordic-Baltic Region, from National Rural Networks, Managing Authorities, Local Action Groups are welcome to discover Estonian farms and producers.

Sustainable devlopment : diversify the agricultural economy or action related to spirits...

Local Action Group West Charente - Cognac land in France are looking for project partners interested in transnational cooperation, rural development, agriculture and spirits.

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