Open Farm Day Tour - Estonia

Estonia - tour leaves from Tallinn
The Open Farm Day Tour 2016 for international partners will be held on 24 - 25 July 2016 in Estonia.
The first National Open Farm Day in 2015 was a great success among Estonians - 142 farms opened their doors for visitors and more then 50,000 visited them.
Estonian Rural Network Unit will organise the Open Farm Day Trip for collegues and international guests on 24-25 July 2016.
Collegues from European Union countries and Nordic-Baltic Region, from National Rural Networks, Managing Authorities, Local Action Groups are welcome to discover Estonian farms and producers.
Programme will consist of visit to different kind of farms: small and big, milk production and alternative farms. Organisers hope that the study tour will offer a good and realistic picture of rural life in Estonia.
Registration is open until 20 June 2016
You can get more information, including a programme, here:
And you can watch a video from last year's event here:
For more information please contact Ms Ave Bremse from Estonian Rural Network Unit -