
A new alliance has launched which aims to ensure that Scotland cares for, improves and benefits from its landscapes.

People from over 60 national organisations gathered at Our Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh for the launch of Scotland's Landscape Alliance on 25 April 2019.

The Scottish Land Commission are carrying out a survey to look at how community engagement in decisions relating to land is currently undertaken in Scotland.

​They want to hear from anyone with control over the way land is used or managed, in both urban and rural Scotland.

Recognising excellence, innovation and outstanding achievement in nature conservation, the eighth annual Nature of Scotland Awards co-sponsored by Scottish Natural Heritage are open for applications until 4 June.

Navigating Community Ownership Event

Scottish Land and Estates is holding a practical information event for landowners on routes to community ownership, with Gillespie Macandrew LLP and Knight Frank.

The event includes expert advice on the various community right to buy mechanisms; and consider the opportunities and challenges in dealing with a request from a community for a negotiated sale.  There will be real life examples of community right to buy, including steps to take if you are considering bringing land to the market and plenty of opportunity to question and discuss. 

SLE Annual Spring Conference 2019 - Maximising the Margins

‘Maximising the margins’ – the theme of this year’s conference – will explore land use in our more challenging and fragile areas. The event will look in depth at how rural business can rise to the challenge of increasing social, economic and environmental benefits.

The conference will examine how to maximise:

Update 10 April 2019, please note this article has been updated to reflect the extended deadline for applications.

The 2019 Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) round is currently open to applications and closes on 17 April 2019.

Addressing Scotland’s pattern of land ownership can unlock economic and community opportunities

A new report published today (Wednesday 20 March 2019) finds that concentrated land ownership is having significant impacts on communities across rural Scotland.

The Scottish Land Commission report, titled Investigation into the issues associated with Large Scale and Concentrated Land Ownership in Scotland.  It is published alongside a set of Recommendations to Scottish Government Ministers, who asked the Commission to examine these issues.  

Crown Estate Scotland is a public corporation. They manage and innovate with land and property – seabed, coastline, rural estates and more – to deliver wider value. Collectively, the assets are referred to as the Scottish Crown Estate.

They help families, businesses & communities to live, work and thrive on the assets and return all revenue profit to Scottish Government to benefit the public purse.

The Scottish Government’s Community Land Team are holding a series of events to promote the community right to buy legislation currently in effect.

Community Land Roadshow

The Community Land Team are holding a pilot series of free events in 2019.  The events will give an overview of the various types of community rights to buy that communities can use, practical advice on how to become a compliant body and the application processes.
