
There is still time to take part in the Scottish Government review of the National Outcomes, which closes on the 12 June 2023. The review is required within every five years, under the Community Empowerment Act (2015).

Virtual Island Summit

Join Islanders From Around The World To Share Ideas, Good Practices And Solutions.

Register NOW to attend the various online events taking place between 25th September  - 1st October 2023. 

Registration is free but spaces are limited, so reserve your spot NOW!  Book Here


Ensuring Scotland’s food security by monitoring the supply chain for possible disruption is the focus of a new dedicated Food Security Unit.

Its establishment was a key recommendation of the Short-life Food Security and Supply Taskforce, which was set up by the Scottish Government, together with industry, immediately following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Scotland Food & Drink has been asked by the Scottish Government to conduct a review into the Food Processing, Marketing and Cooperation (FPMC) fund, which was paused this year.

The Noss ferry has resumed service this season and NatureScot staff are looking forward to welcoming visitors back to the spectacular island, which is home to thousands of seabirds each summer.

Last summer both of NatureScot’s island reserves, Noss and the Isle of May, were closed to help protect seabirds from a devastating outbreak of avian flu.

NatureScot has welcomed the Scottish Government announcement of the public appointment of Professor Colin Galbraith as the new chair of the NatureScot board.

A new evaluation estimates that a Scottish Government-funded research programme has contributed £680 million to Scotland’s economy by helping to create jobs and further education qualifications, save carbon emissions and reduce the impacts of animal diseases.

Film Screening - The Oil Machine - Can We Break Our Addiction?

Oil has been an invisible machine at the core of our economy and society. It now faces an uncertain future as activists and investors demand change. Is this the end of oil?

THE OIL MACHINE explores the complexities of transitioning away from oil and gas as a society and considers how quickly we can do it.

Back to the Future: What Could or Should Rural be in 2098?

In 2023, the Scottish Consortium for Rural Research (SCRR) will reach its 75th birthday. 

Two years after the Agriculture Act came into being in May 1948, urging all farmers to “make two blades of grass grow where one grew before”, food security and sovereignty were foremost in minds and policies, and the SCRR was born. 
