
Scottish Government online consultation session for foster carers

Join the Fostering Network Scotland for this Scottish Government consultation session for foster carers!

Rural communities play a key part in supporting local authorities in providing foster care placements so it is imperative that the public engage in this ask. 

People are being encouraged to share their views on plans for the future of foster care in Scotland via a Consultation that opens during Care Experience Week.

Woodland Creation & Management to maximise biodiversity

Join Scottish Forestry for an insightful evening on woodland creation and biodiversity. You'll hear from by Colin Edwards, FLS Environment Manager and dive into best practices for selecting sites, choosing key species, and integrating open habitats to enhance biodiversity.

Gathering - "Crofting: A Tradition for the Future"

The recently release “Value of Crofting” report highlighted what we already knew, that crofting is needed more than ever in the current climate.

Crofting for the Future In-person Training Course - Nether Lochaber

Have you been asking yourself:-

How can I prepare for changes in agricultural policy?
How can I make my croft more sustainable:- economically & environmentally?
How do I adapt to changing weather patterns?
What resources are available to support me?

Power Up Your Community! Energy Learning Network Webinar

Want to meet others, learn from them and share your community aspirations?

Join for an interactive webinar designed for smaller and emerging community energy groups, hosted by Community Energy Scotland.

Father and daughter Anthony and Toni Dowling are both fully trained on-call firefighters who love the work they do for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, regularly attending fires and other incidents in their local area.

Shetland residents have supported a new research project looking at ways to help make the islands' population sustainable.

Households took part in a study investigating changing population dynamics and the role policy and place-based interventions can play to help create and maintain healthy and balanced populations in Shetland and other Scottish island communities.

A 45-strong cohort have begun their studies, with Sheila Voas, Scotland’s Chief Veterinary Officer, among those to congratulate the group as the Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) School of Veterinary Medicine opened its doors in Aberdeen.

Celebrating Organics Food for the Future

The Celebrating Organics conference is a one-day national conference where delegates will hear from expert speakers that have a vast range of knowledge in Organic food and farming, plus wider views on the future of the organic sector in Scotland.
