Ceòlas and the EOST project

Ceòlas and the EOST project

Name of organisation/business: 
£81,452 - Outer Hebrides LEADER
Scottish Rural Development Programme priority: 
Supporting rural communities
Contact details: 
Email: info@ceolas.co.uk Telephone: 01878 700 154



Gleus House
Uibhist a Deas

In our short video below, find out how Scottish Rural Development Programme funding is helping to preserve and foster the heritage of Scotland, and to inspire cultural cooperation that transcends languages and borders. Ceòlas on the island of Uist in the Outer Hebrides took part in the EOST project along with Finland, Brittany and Estonia.

The film is part of the SRDP on Film series.

SRDP on Film: Ceolas and the EOST Project from ScottishRuralNetwork on Vimeo.