Loch Leven's Larder

Name of organisation/business:
Loch Leven's Larder
£270,000 Scottish Rural Development Programme funding
Scottish Rural Development Programme priority:
Supporting agricultural and forestry businesses
Contact details:Email: emma@lochlevenslarder.com Call: 01592 841000
Twitter profile page:
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Channel Farm
KY13 9HD
Loch Leven's Larder is a farm diversification project in Kinross with a restaurant, shop and delicatessen. Set up in part with the help of Scottish Rural Development Programme funds, the enterprise has made a huge positive change to the rural economy of the area.
Find out more in our short video below, part of the SRDP on Film series.
SRDP on Film: Loch Leven's Larder from ScottishRuralNetwork on Vimeo.
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