Adding Value to Farm Produce

Tuesday 23 January 2018 - 09:00 to Wednesday 24 January 2018 - 17:00
Elmwood Campus, Cupar, Fife
Farm Advisory Service
New Entrants to Farming Programme's first ever 'Adding Value to Produce - an Introduction' course.
This course is for you if a shift from selling livestock and crops to selling food and drink, ready for the consumer, is buzzing around your mind in muddled thoughts. It is aimed at new entrants and young farmers with drive and enthusiasm who want to take that first step in exploring and organising these ideas.
The programme will include:
- understanding the market
- a lamb demo 'from carcase to cutlet'
- regulations
- adding value to fruit practical session
- your business plan
- developing a brand
Apply early - spaces are limited, with only 12 places available. There is a charge of £40 for the workshop.
For information or to apply please email with some details about yourself.