Action to Protect Rural Scotland (ARPS) Winter Webinar Series

Wednesday 15 November 2023 - 19:00
Action to Protect Rural Scotland
Action to Protect Rural Scotland (APRS) is Scotland’s longest established environmental charity being founded in 1926 to protect Scotland’s world renowned landscapes and the amenity of the countryside.
They have teamed up with Planning Democracy to run a series of four webinars on different aspects of the new National Planning Framework 4 and the planning system over winter. The themes cover:
15th November: Understanding Scotland's New Planning System - Alasdair Edwards is a Principle Reporter at the Planning and Environmental Appeals Division of the Scottish Government. The reporters consider and make decisions and recommendations on a range of planning and environmental matters on behalf of Scottish Ministers. These matters include planning appeals and LDP Examinations – and the new Gatecheck process which follows evidence gathering for new LDPs
6th December: NPF4 - How have things changed - This session is for people who have had some involvement in planning issues or in campaigning in for their local area. It will explore what the main changes are in NPF4 from the previous planning system and what implications it may have for those campaigning against unsustainable development in their areas.
17th January: Green Belts and NPF4 - This session is suitable for anyone interested in finding out more about Green Belts and the Scottish Planning policies that apply to them.
31st January: Having a say in the future of your area - Local Development Plans should be for the long-term benefit of both local communities and the environment, but knowing how to have your voice heard in the planning system can be hard. This online workshop will help people understand the best way of having a say in the planning of Local Development Plans, as well as how to best make your area more sustainable and nature-friendly using the overarching themes of climate and biodiversity as set out in National Planning Framework 4.
All webinars will start at 7pm