WoodWorks Enterprise Taster Event

Woodland Hub, Chancefield, Falkland Estate, Falkland, Fife, KY15 7AE
There is a great opportunity coming up for young folk in Scotland, with particular emphasis on Fife, though all are welcome. This is a chance for young people who are interested in or have made a start establishing a woodland based business to come along and find out about the support that the WoodWorks programme could offer.
Particpants will learn about a new woodland based craft or further develop existing skills. At this taster event participants can work with a wood turner, green wood worker or basket weaver. Following the event applications will open for up to 5-6 young people to join the WoodWorks programme, where they will receive tailored support that can include everything from craft mentorship to business advice and access to free workspace and tools.
If you are interested please see here for available workshops and to book your space.
There will be a similar taster event running at Cambo Estate on the 18th -19th November, details to follow.