Woodland Creation Essentials workshops, Aberdeen

Park Inn Hotel, 1 Justice Mill Lane, Aberdeen, AB11 6EQ
Learn how to identify key issues when preparing applications for grant aid in Scotland at a one day workshop run jointly between the Institute of Chartered Foresters and Forestry Commission Scotland.
These workshops are unmissable for anyone actively preparing to submit grant applications. Following the recommendations of the MacKinnon Review, each workshop will explore the new applicants guidance and go through each stage of a woodland creation proposal. You’ll get advice on due diligence and site assessment, the Environment Impact Assessment process, and the use of an issues log, and will have the opportunity to put your questions to the Forestry Commission Scotland Grant aid team so that you can feel confident about getting your application right first time.
Tickets are £49 for the day and include lunch and refreshments. Registration is mandatory and booking is open to all (ICF members and non-members).