Scottish Agritourism Conference 2021

Young lamb chewing on Blue boots
Tuesday 9 November 2021 - 09:00 to Wednesday 10 November 2021 - 15:30

Online and in person at Perth Concert Hall

Scottish Agritourism

Scottish Agritourism Conference will bring together everyone interested in the development of agritourism in Scotland.

The conference is set to welcome;

  • existing agritourism business owners
  • farmers and crofters considering agritourism or just keen to find out more
  • tourism, hospitality and food and drink businesses keen to benefit from the growth of agritourism in Scotland
  • professionals and suppliers to the sector
  • industry representatives and the public sector

​The full programme is still to be decided but will include;

Day 1 will showcase sector innovation and new product development from businesses in the sector from those people who have been participating in the Scottish Enterprise Agritourism Monitor Programme.

Day 2 will see the launch of the Scottish Government's Agritourism Growth Strategy by Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Islands. This will follow with sessions on market demand for agritourism and insights into consumer trends, and research and data on agritourism from home and abroad.

The conference will be held at Perth concert hall, subject to Covid regulations.  All government guidance will be followed.

Thanks to the Scottish Rural Network, the conference will be streamed live free to allow anyone anywhere to watch along and take part.
