Saving Wildcats talk at Laggan Village Hall

Saving Wildcats talk at Laggan Village Hall Flyer
Wednesday 26 June 2024 - 19:00 to 20:00

Laggan Village Hall, PH20 1AN

Saving Wildcats

European wildcats crossed from the Continent into Britain after the end of the last Ice Age, around 9,000 years ago. Once widespread, the species is now on the brink of extinction in Scotland. A sad history of habitat loss, persecution and, more recently, breeding with domestic cats, has forced the Highland Tiger to a point where the population is no longer viable.  Without urgent action, wildcats will be lost forever from our shores.

Join Dr Keri Langridge, Saving Wildcats Field Manager, as she shares information about wildcat conservation efforts in the local area.

Saving Wildcats is commited to working with local communities to understand how best people can benefit from the presence of wildcats.

This is a free event that you do not need to book a place for and Saving Wildcats encourage people to turn up on the night. If you have any questions about the event, please contact the organisers by email at


