Open Farm Sunday

Open Farm Sunday - Event dates
Sunday 9 June 2024 - 10:00

Range of Farms across the UK

LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farm­ing)

Vis­it a farm on Open Farm Sun­day, 9th June 2024 and find out about the sto­ry behind our food and how farm­ing affects our every­day lives. Each Open Farm Sun­day event is unique. Activ­i­ties range from machin­ery dis­plays, trac­tor and trail­er rides, through to demon­stra­tions, nature walks and much more!

Enter your loca­tion into the search box to find a local farm to vis­it. Scroll down to see the events and click on ​‘Full Details’ for the event and farm descriptions. 

Please note many farms will ask for you to book a place pri­or to attend­ing — if this is the case for the farm you would like to vis­it, please fol­low the book­ing instruc­tions. If you are no longer able to attend, please con­tact the farmer and release your tick­ets so that oth­er peo­ple can take your place. 

We hope you can get out and about in your local area this sum­mer. Find out about explor­ing the coun­try­side and some fam­i­ly friend­ly activ­i­ty ideas here.
