Youth Local Action Group launch fund

Youth Impact Fund from Forth Valley and Lomond Youth Local Action Group
Alan Robertson

The Forth Valley & Lomond (FVL) Youth Local Action Group (YLAG) is now running their inaugural Youth Impact Fund.

It is a Fund run by young people, for young people, with funding from the Scottish Government.

This year, FVL YLAG is responsible for a fund of around £15,000, with the purpose of empowering and supporting young people in their living, learning, and working, within the rural area of Forth Valley & Lomond.

Any young person living in the Forth Valley and Lomond area, if you are between 16 and 30 years old inclusive, can apply for up to £500. Any group or organisation working directly with young people in the Forth Valley and Lomond area, can apply for up to £2000. You do not need to have a constitution or a Companies House number to qualify as a group! We simply define a group as or more people, of any age, working together on a project.

You can use the funding to pay for items and/or activities related to your project, including paying for others’ time and services. However, you cannot use the funding to pay yourself or your group members directly, or for any alcohol or anything illegal.

If your application is successful, there are 2 different ways you can receive the funding, which we will decide with you on a case-by-case basis in October:

  1. FVL YLAG can  send you the funding upfront, based on a quote(s) or invoice(s) you have received, or
  2. They can reimburse you after you’ve made the purchase.

Projects must meet one or more of the Youth Impact Fund priorities:

  • Inclusivity, building connections and collaborations
  • Connection to nature and climate action
  • Healthy Living (mental, physical, social and financial)
  • Skills development and youth entrepreneurship
  • Supporting cultural activity (arts, heritage, sport) In addition, every project must have an overall positive impact on rural young people in the Forth Valley and Lomond area.

Finally, all projects must be completed by 28th February 2025 at the latest, with all proof of purchase and/or receipts sent to FVL YLAG by 5th March 2025 at the latest, where applicable

You can find full details of the scheme, including how to at: Forth Valley Leader :: YLAG (

Applications are open until 29th September 2024, 11:59pm

Interested to find out more? - you can check out the FVL YLAG Handbook here or e-mail them at get to find out how you can get involved.